About the Early Years Professional Development Programme

About the Early Years Professional Development Programme

The Early Years Professional Development Programme is funded by the Department for Education (including funding available for practitioners’ time to take part). Pre-reception practitioners from schools and private, voluntary and independent settings (PVI), as well as childminders are eligible, with priority given to applications from Settings that meet certain criteria.

The programme offers specific in-depth training for up to 10,000 early years professionals from all participating Local Authorities in England over a 2 year period. There will be staggered start dates across the 2023\24 period with a total of four cohorts, the final of which started April 2024. The EYPDP offers a comprehensive package of professional development that is based on current early years pedagogy. It is helping to build upon practitioners’ skills and knowledge in improving the quality of adult-child interactions.

What does the programme entail?

The programme consists of online self-study eLearning and regular facilitated webinars in which practitioners meet with their tutor and other early years professionals on a weekly basis. In total, the programme takes around 8 months and 60 hours to complete.

The training is broken down into three modules with content developed by industry experts in Communication and Language, Early Mathematics and Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED).

Consisting of 7 units:

  1. Understanding typical language development
  2. Creating communication supportive environments
  3. Achieving high quality interaction
  4. Measuring progress, identifying needs
  5. How language supports behaviour and wellbeing
  6. Building partnerships with parents
  7. Embedding good communication and language in your setting


For each unit EYPs will complete

2hrs online self-study

A total of seven 1.5hr facilitated weekly webinars for the Communication and Language module

Consisting of 6 units:

  1. Counting
  2. Cardinality
  3. Measurement
  4. Pattern
  5. Shape
  6. Space


For each unit EYPs will complete

  • 1.5hrs online self-study
  • A total of three 1.5hr facilitated weekly webinars for the Early Mathematics module

Consisting of 5 units:

  1. Understanding PSED of children aged 2-4 years
  2. Helping children manage emotions and relationships
  3. Helping children process trauma, loss and disruption
  4. Understanding good practice in engaging with parents
  5. Staff wellbeing


For each unit EYPs will complete

  • 2hrs online self-study
  • A total of five 1.5hr facilitated weekly webinars for the PSED module

At the end of each module, the Early Years Practitioner receives mentoring support from their Programme Trainer and participates in an online webinar to discuss how they will implement and embed what they have learnt.

A total of 4.5 hours will be spent on Action Planning.

It is anticipated that the programme will take 60 hours to complete.